Key Generation Failed Sql State S1000 In Sqlexecdirect Informix 12
SQLExecDirect failed with ODBC Error: state=23000, nativeErr=547, err=MicrosoftSQL Server Native Client 10.0SQL ServerThe INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FKStatDataStatID0F975522'. The conflict occurred in database 'poweradmin', table 'dbo.Statistic', column 'StatID'. Jun 27, 2012 Find answers to MICROSOFT SQL SERVER LOGIN - SQLSTATE '01000' & '08001' - SQL SERVER ERROR 14 - ODBC from the expert community at Experts Exchange. May 18, 2010 Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:32 pm Post subject: SQL Generation Failed. SQL Generation Failed. I have tried setting the Connection Time Out in the CMC. While I have that setting in the CMC set to 45 minutes, WebI times out in 15 minutes with this error, when the report is left idle.
- Key Generation Failed Sql State S1000 In Sqlexecdirect Informix 12 10
- Key Generation Failed Sql State S1000 In Sqlexecdirect Informix 12 10
Jun 19, 2011 805628 wrote: That seemed to do it, but I can't see why. One reason would be that identifiers (table name and/or field names) are keywords in the SQL variant that is being used. Or something odder like you are using a different character set liike unicode when creating tables. Invalid object name 'table'., SQL state S0002 in SQLExecDirect. Hello all, I´m trying to config my linux LAMP webserver running on Centos 5.3 to connect to a Microsoft Sql Server 2005 database running. When the SQLATTRODBCVERSION environment attribute is set to SQLOVODBC2, the driver posts ODBC 2.x SQLSTATEs instead of ODBC 3.x SQLSTATEs when SQLGetDiagField or SQLGetDiagRec is called. A specific mapping can be determined by noting the ODBC 2.x SQLSTATE in column 1 of the following table that corresponds to the ODBC 3.x SQLSTATE in column 2. Jan 10, 2011 unable to connect sql state = s1000 oracle - odbc - ora 28000: account is locked this was happened while connecting a user for test connection. Can anyone resolve this issue?
This topic discusses SQLSTATE values for ODBC 2.x and ODBC 3.x. For more information on ODBC 3.x SQLSTATE values, see Appendix A: ODBC Error Codes.
In ODBC 3.x, HYxxx SQLSTATEs are returned instead of S1xxx, and 42Sxx SQLSTATEs are returned instead of S00XX. This was done to align with Open Group and ISO standards. In many cases, the mapping is not one-to-one because the standards have redefined the interpretation of several SQLSTATEs.
When an ODBC 2.x application is upgraded to an ODBC 3.x application, the application has to be changed to expect ODBC 3.x SQLSTATEs instead of ODBC 2.x SQLSTATEs. The following table lists the ODBC 3.x SQLSTATEs that each ODBC 2.x SQLSTATE is mapped to.
Key Generation Failed Sql State S1000 In Sqlexecdirect Informix 12 10
When the SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION environment attribute is set to SQL_OV_ODBC2, the driver posts ODBC 2.x SQLSTATEs instead of ODBC 3.x SQLSTATEs when SQLGetDiagField or SQLGetDiagRec is called. A specific mapping can be determined by noting the ODBC 2.x SQLSTATE in column 1 of the following table that corresponds to the ODBC 3.x SQLSTATE in column 2.
ODBC 2.x SQLSTATE | ODBC 3.x SQLSTATE | Comments |
01S03 | 01001 | |
01S04 | 01001 | |
22003 | HY019 | |
22008 | 22007 | |
22005 | 22018 | |
24000 | 07005 | |
37000 | 42000 | |
70100 | HY018 | |
S0001 | 42S01 | |
S0002 | 42S02 | |
S0011 | 42S11 | |
S0012 | 42S12 | |
S0021 | 42S21 | |
S0022 | 42S22 | |
S0023 | 42S23 | |
S1000 | HY000 | |
S1001 | HY001 | |
S1002 | 07009 | ODBC 2.x SQLSTATE S1002 is mapped to ODBC 3.x SQLSTATE 07009 if the underlying function is SQLBindCol, SQLColAttribute, SQLExtendedFetch, SQLFetch, SQLFetchScroll, or SQLGetData. |
S1003 | HY003 | |
S1004 | HY004 | |
S1008 | HY008 | |
S1009 | HY009 | Returned for an invalid use of a null pointer. |
S1009 | HY024 | Returned for an invalid attribute value. |
S1009 | HY092 | Returned for updating or deleting data by a call to SQLSetPos, or adding, updating, or deleting data by a call to SQLBulkOperations, when the concurrency is read-only. |
S1010 | HY007 HY010 | SQLSTATE S1010 is mapped to SQLSTATE HY007 when SQLDescribeCol is called prior to calling SQLPrepare, SQLExecDirect, or a catalog function for the StatementHandle. Otherwise, SQLSTATE S1010 is mapped to SQLSTATE HY010. |
S1011 | HY011 | |
S1012 | HY012 | |
S1090 | HY090 | |
S1091 | HY091 | |
S1092 | HY092 | |
S1093 | 07009 | ODBC 3.x SQLSTATE 07009 is mapped to ODBC 2.x SQLSTATE S1093 if the underlying function is SQLBindParameter or SQLDescribeParam. |
S1096 | HY096 | |
S1097 | HY097 | |
S1098 | HY098 | |
S1099 | HY099 | |
S1100 | HY100 | |
S1101 | HY101 | |
S1103 | HY103 | |
S1104 | HY104 | |
S1105 | HY105 | |
S1106 | HY106 | |
S1107 | HY107 | |
S1108 | HY108 | |
S1109 | HY109 | |
S1110 | HY110 | |
S1111 | HY111 | |
S1C00 | HYC00 | |
S1T00 | HYT00 |
Key Generation Failed Sql State S1000 In Sqlexecdirect Informix 12 10
Note Capture nx2 product key generator.
ODBC 3.x SQLSTATE 07008 is mapped to ODBC 2.x SQLSTATE S1000.