Azure Ssh Host Key Generation Failed

  1. Host Key Verification Failed Ssh
  2. Azure Public Ssh Key
  3. Azure Ssh Host Key Generation Failed Server
  4. Add Ssh Key Azure Vm
  5. Azure Ssh Public Key Invalid
  6. Azure Ssh Key

Git error: “Host Key Verification Failed” when connecting to remote repository. Ask Question Asked 7 years. Using SSH, every host has a key. Clients remember the host key associated with a particular address and refuse to connect if a host key appears to change. This prevents man in the middle attacks. Jun 04, 2019  You should get an SSH host key fingerprint along with your credentials from a server administrator. Knowing the host key fingerprint and thus being able to verify it is an integral part of securing an SSH connection. It prevents man-in-the-middle attacks. Safely obtaining host key. This is likely a problem with how older versions of SSH handle host verification when ECDSA is used by default. If you trust that the server and network have not been compromised, just add the host's RSA key to your knownhosts file: ssh-keyscan tee -a /.ssh/knownhosts. Jul 25, 2019  Bug ID 807401: Azure VE creation fails with ProvisionError 'OSProvisioningClientError: SSH host key generation failed' Last Modified: Jul 25, 2019. Nov 03, 2016  Generating an SSH Key and Using it on Azure SSH KEYS allow us to connect to VMs without using passwords but by passing a private key that can be managed by you or your organization. For more about SSH. May 27, 2018  If you’re looking to generate SSH keys and use them to login to an Azure Linux VM then good on you because that’s the recommended and most secure method to.


Azure Repos Azure DevOps Server 2019 TFS 2018 TFS 2017 TFS 2015 Update 3

Connect to your Git repos through SSH on macOS, Linux, or Windows to securely connect using HTTPS authentication. On Windows, we recommended the use of Git Credential Managers or Personal Access Tokens.


SSH URLs have changed, but old SSH URLs will continue to work. If you have already set up SSH, you should update your remote URLs to the new format:

  • Verify which remotes are using SSH by running git remote -v in your Git client.
  • Visit your repository on the web and select the Clone button in the upper right.
  • Select SSH and copy the new SSH URL.
  • In your Git client, run: git remote set-url <remote name, e.g. origin> <new SSH URL>. Alternatively, in Visual Studio, go to Repository Settings, and edit your remotes.


As of Visual Studio 2017, SSH can be used to connect to Git repos.

How SSH key authentication works

SSH public key authentication works with an asymmetric pair of generated encryption keys. The public key is shared with Azure DevOps and used to verify the initial ssh connection. The private key is kept safe and secure on your system.

Set up SSH key authentication

The following steps cover configuration of SSH key authentication on the following platforms:

  • Linux
  • macOS running at least Leopard (10.5)
  • Windows systems running Git for Windows

Configure SSH using the command line. bash is the common shell on Linux and macOS and the Git for Windows installation adds a shortcut to Git Bash in the Start menu.Other shell environments will work, but are not covered in this article.

Step 1: Create your SSH keys


If you have already created SSH keys on your system, skip this step and go to configuring SSH keys.

The commands here will let you create new default SSH keys, overwriting existing default keys. Before continuing, check your~/.ssh folder (for example, /home/jamal/.ssh or C:Usersjamal.ssh) and look for the following files:

  • id_rsa

If these files exist, then you have already created SSH keys. You can overwrite the keys with the following commands, or skip this step and go to configuring SSH keys to reuse these keys.

Create your SSH keys with the ssh-keygen command from the bash prompt. This command will create a 2048-bit RSA key for use with SSH. You can give a passphrasefor your private key when prompted—this passphrase provides another layer of security for your private key.If you give a passphrase, be sure to configure the SSH agent to cache your passphrase so you don't have to enter it every time you connect.

This command produces the two keys needed for SSH authentication: your private key ( id_rsa ) and the public key ( ). It is important to never share the contents of your private key. If the private key iscompromised, attackers can use it to trick servers into thinking the connection is coming from you.

Step 2: Add the public key to Azure DevOps Services/TFS

Associate the public key generated in the previous step with your user ID.

  1. Open your security settings by browsing to the web portal and selecting your avatar in the upper right of theuser interface. Select Security in the menu that appears.

  2. Select SSH public keys, and then select + New Key.

  3. Copy the contents of the public key (for example, that you generated into the Public Key Data field.


    Avoid adding whitespace or new lines into the Key Data field, as they can cause Azure DevOps Services to use an invalid public key. When pasting in the key, a newline often is added at the end. Be sure to remove this newline if it occurs.

  4. Give the key a useful description (this description will be displayed on the SSH public keys page for your profile) so that you can remember it later. Select Save to store the public key. Once saved, you cannot change the key. You can delete the key or create a new entry for another key. There are no restrictions on how many keys you can add to your user profile.

Step 3: Clone the Git repository with SSH


To connect with SSH from an existing cloned repo, see updating your remotes to SSH.

  1. Copy the SSH clone URL from the web portal. In this example, the SSL clone URL is for a repo in an organization named fabrikam-fiber, as indicated by the first part of the URL after


    Project URLs have changed with the release of Azure DevOps Services and now have the format{your organization}/{your project}, but you can still use the existing format. For more information, see VSTS is now Azure DevOps Services.

  2. Run git clone from the command prompt.

SSH may display the server's SSH fingerprint and ask you to verify it.

For cloud-hosted Azure DevOps Services, where clone URLs contain either or, the fingerprint should match one of the following formats:

  • MD5: 97:70:33:82:fd:29:3a:73:39:af:6a:07:ad:f8:80:49 (RSA)
  • SHA256: SHA256:ohD8VZEXGWo6Ez8GSEJQ9WpafgLFsOfLOtGGQCQo6Og (RSA)These fingerprints are also listed in the SSH public keys page.

Host Key Verification Failed Ssh

For self-hosted instances of Azure DevOps Server, you should verify that the displayed fingerprint matches one of the fingerprints in the SSH public keys page.

SSH displays this fingerprint when it connects to an unknown host to protect you from man-in-the-middle attacks.Once you accept the host's fingerprint, SSH will not prompt you again unless the fingerprint changes.

When you are asked if you want to continue connecting, type yes. Git will clone the repo and set up the origin remote to connect with SSH for future Git commands.


Avoid trouble: Windows users will need to run a command to have Git reuse their SSH key passphrase.

Questions and troubleshooting

Q: After running git clone, I get the following error. What should I do?

Host key verification failed.fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

A: Manually record the SSH key by running:ssh-keyscan -t rsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Q: How can I have Git remember the passphrase for my key on Windows?

A: Run the following command included in Git for Windows to start up the ssh-agent process in Powershell or the Windows Command Prompt. ssh-agent will cacheyour passphrase so you don't have to provide it every time you connect to your repo.

If you're using the Bash shell (including Git Bash), start ssh-agent with:

Q: I use PuTTY as my SSH client and generated my keys with PuTTYgen. Can I use these keys with Azure DevOps Services?

A: Yes. Load the private key with PuTTYgen, go to Conversions menu and select Export OpenSSH key.Save the private key file and then follow the steps to set up non-default keys.Copy your public key directly from the PuTTYgen window and paste into the Key Data field in your security settings.

Q: How can I verify that the public key I uploaded is the same key as I have locally?

A: You can verify the fingerprint of the public key uploaded with the one displayed in your profile through the following ssh-keygen command run against your public key usingthe bash command line. You will need to change the path and the public key filename if you are not using the defaults.

You can then compare the MD5 signature to the one in your profile. This check is useful if you have connection problems or have concerns about incorrectlypasting in the public key into the Key Data field when adding the key to Azure DevOps Services.

Q: How can I start using SSH in a repository where I am currently using HTTPS?

A: You'll need to update the origin remote in Git to change over from a HTTPS to SSH URL. Once you have the SSH clone URL, run the following command:

You can now run any Git command that connects to origin.

Q: I'm using Git LFS with Azure DevOps Services and I get errors when pulling files tracked by Git LFS.

A: Azure DevOps Services currently doesn't support LFS over SSH. Use HTTPS to connect to repos with Git LFS tracked files.

Q: How can I use a non default key location, i.e. not ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/

A: To use keys created with ssh-keygen in a different place than the default, you do two things:

  1. The keys must be in a folder that only you can read or edit. If the folder has wider permissions, SSH will not use the keys.
  2. You must let SSH know the location of the keys. You make SSH aware of keys through the ssh-add command, providing the full path to the private key.

On Windows, before running ssh-add, you will need to run the following command from included in Git for Windows:

This command runs in both Powershell and the Command Prompt. If you are using Git Bash, the command you need to use is:

Azure Public Ssh Key

You can find ssh-add as part of the Git for Windows distribution and also run it in any shell environment on Windows.

On macOS and Linux you also must have ssh-agent running before running ssh-add, but the command environment on these platforms usuallytakes care of starting ssh-agent for you.

Q: I have multiple SSH keys. How do I use different SSH keys for different SSH servers or repos?

A: Generally, if you configure multiple keys for an SSH client and connect to an SSH server, the client can try the keys one at a time until the server accepts one.

However, this doesn't work with Azure DevOps for technical reasons related to the SSH protocol and how our Git SSH URLs are structured. Azure DevOps will blindly accept the first key that the client provides during authentication. If that key is invalid for the requested repo, the request will fail with the following error:

For Azure DevOps, you'll need to configure SSH to explicitly use a specific key file. One way to do this to edit your ~/.ssh/config file (for example, /home/jamal/.ssh or C:Usersjamal.ssh) as follows:

Azure Ssh Host Key Generation Failed Server

Q: What notifications may I receive about my SSH keys?

Add Ssh Key Azure Vm

A: Whenever you register a new SSH Key with Azure DevOps Services, you will receive an email notification informing you that a new SSH key has been added to your account.

Q: What do I do if I believe that someone other than me is adding SSH keys on my account?

A: If you receive a notification of an SSH key being registered and you did not manually upload it to the service, your credentials may have been compromised.

Azure Ssh Public Key Invalid

The next step would be to investigate whether or not your password has been compromised. Changing your password is always a good first step to defend against this attack vector. If you’re an Azure Active Directory user, talk with your administrator to check if your account was used from an unknown source/location.


This article describes some of the most common error codes and messages you may encounter when you create or manage virtual machines (VMs) in Azure.


You can leave comments on this page for feedback or through Azure feedback with #azerrormessage tag.

Error Response Format

Azure VMs use the following JSON format for error response:

An error response always includes a status code and an error object. Each error object always contains an error code and a message. If the VM is created with a template, the error object also contains a details section that contains an inner level of error codes and message. Normally, the most inner level of error message is the root failure.

Common virtual machine management errors

This section lists the common error messages you may encounter when managing VMs:

Error CodeError Message
AcquireDiskLeaseFailedFailed to acquire lease while creating disk '{0}' using blob with URI {1}. Blob is already in use.
AllocationFailedAllocation failed. Please try reducing the VM size or number of VMs, retry later, or try deploying to a different Availability Set or different Azure location.
AllocationFailedThe VM allocation failed due to an internal error. Please retry later or try deploying to a different location.
ArtifactNotFoundThe VM extension with publisher '{0}' and type '{1}' could not be found in location '{2}'.
ArtifactNotFoundExtension with publisher '{0}', type '{1}', and type handler version '{2}' could not be found in the extension repository.
ArtifactVersionNotFoundNo version found in the artifact repository that satisfies the requested version '{0}'.
ArtifactVersionNotFoundNo version found in the artifact repository that satisfies the requested version '{0}' for VM extension with publisher '{1}' and type '{2}'.
AttachDiskWhileBeingDetachedCannot attach data disk '{0}' to VM '{1}' because the disk is currently being detached. Please wait until the disk is completely detached and then try again.
BadRequestAligned' Availability Sets are not yet supported in this region.
BadRequestAddition of a VM with managed disks to non-managed Availability Set or addition of a VM with blob based disks to managed Availability Set is not supported. Please create an Availability Set with 'managed' property set in order to add a VM with managed disks to it.
BadRequestManaged Disks are not supported in this region.
BadRequestMultiple VMExtensions per handler not supported for OS type '{0}'. VMExtension '{1}' with handler '{2}' already added or specified in input.
BadRequestOperation '{0}' is not supported on Resource '{1}' with managed disks.
CertificateImproperlyFormattedThe secret's JSON representation retrieved from {0} has a data field which is not a properly formatted PFX file, or the password provided does not decode the PFX file correctly.
CertificateImproperlyFormattedThe data retrieved from {0} is not deserializable into JSON.
ConflictDisk resizing is allowed only when creating a VM or when the VM is deallocated.
ConflictingUserInputDisk '{0}' cannot be attached as the disk is already owned by VM '{1}'.
ConflictingUserInputSource and destination resource groups are the same.
ConflictingUserInputSource and destination storage accounts for disk {0} are different.
ContainerAlreadyOnLeaseThere is already a lease on the storage container holding the blob with URI {0}.
CrossSubscriptionMoveWithKeyVaultResourcesThe Move resources request contains KeyVault resources which are referenced by one or more {0}s in the request. This is not supported currently in Cross subscription Move. Please check the error details for the KeyVault resource Ids.
DiagnosticsOperationInternalErrorAn internal error occurred while processing diagnostics profile of VM {0}.
DiskBlobAlreadyInUseByAnotherDiskBlob {0} is already in use by another disk belonging to VM '{1}'. You can examine the blob metadata for the disk reference information.
DiskBlobNotFoundUnable to find VHD blob with URI {0} for disk '{1}'.
DiskBlobNotFoundUnable to find VHD blob with URI {0}.
DiskEncryptionKeySecretMissingTags{0} secret doesn't have the {1} tags. Please update the secret version, add the required tags and retry.
DiskEncryptionKeySecretUnwrapFailedUnwrap of secret {0} value using key {1} failed.
DiskImageNotReadyDisk image {0} is in {1} state. Please retry when image is ready.
DiskPreparationErrorOne or more errors occurred while preparing VM disks. See disk instance view for details.
DiskProcessingErrorDisk processing halted as the VM has other disks in failed disks.
ImageBlobNotFoundUnable to find VHD blob with URI {0} for disk '{1}'.
ImageBlobNotFoundUnable to find VHD blob with URI {0}.
IncorrectDiskBlobTypeDisk blobs can only be of type page blob. Blob {0} for disk '{1}' is of type block blob.
IncorrectDiskBlobTypeDisk blobs can only be of type page blob. Blob {0} is of type '{1}'.
IncorrectImageBlobTypeDisk blobs can only be of type page blob. Blob {0} for disk '{1}' is of type block blob.
IncorrectImageBlobTypeDisk blobs can only be of type page blob. Blob {0} is of type '{1}'.
InternalOperationErrorCould not resolve storage account {0}. Please ensure it was created through the Storage Resource Provider in the same location as the compute resource.
InternalOperationError{0} goal seeking tasks failed.
InternalOperationErrorError occurred in validating the network profile of VM '{0}'.
InvalidAccountTypeThe AccountType {0} is invalid.
InvalidParameterThe value of parameter {0} is invalid.
InvalidParameterThe Admin password specified is not allowed.
InvalidParameter'The supplied password must be between {0}-{1} characters long and must satisfy at least {2} of password complexity requirements from the following:
  1. Contains an uppercase character
  2. Contains a lowercase character
  3. Contains a numeric digit
  4. Contains a special character.
InvalidParameterThe Admin Username specified is not allowed.
InvalidParameterCannot attach an existing OS disk if the VM is created from a platform or user image.
InvalidParameterContainer name {0} is invalid. Container names must be 3-63 characters in length and may contain only lower-case alphanumeric characters and hyphen. Hyphen must be preceded and followed by an alphanumeric character.
InvalidParameterContainer name {0} in URL {1} is invalid. Container names must be 3-63 characters in length and may contain only lower-case alphanumeric characters and hyphen. Hyphen must be preceded and followed by an alphanumeric character.
InvalidParameterThe blob name in URL {0} contains a slash. This is presently not supported for disks.
InvalidParameterThe URI {0} does not look to be correct blob URI.
InvalidParameterA disk named '{0}' already uses the same LUN: {1}.
InvalidParameterA disk named '{0}' already exists.
InvalidParameterCannot specify user image overrides for a disk already defined in the specified image reference.
InvalidParameterA disk named '{0}' already uses the same VHD URL {1}.
InvalidParameterThe specified fault domain count {0} must fall in the range {1} to {2}.
InvalidParameterThe license type {0} is invalid. Valid license types are: Windows_Client or Windows_Server, case sensitive.
InvalidParameterLinux host name cannot exceed {0} characters in length or contain the following characters: {1}.
InvalidParameterDestination path for Ssh public keys is currently limited to its default value {0} due to a known issue in Linux provisioning agent.
InvalidParameterA disk at LUN {0} already exists.
InvalidParameterSubscription {0} of the request must match the subscription {1} contained in the managed disk id.
InvalidParameterCustom data in OSProfile must be in Base64 encoding and with a maximum length of {0} characters.
InvalidParameterBlob name in URL {0} must end with '{1}' extension.
InvalidParameter{0}' is not a valid captured VHD blob name prefix. A valid prefix matches regex '{1}'.
InvalidParameterCertificates cannot be added to your VM if the VM agent is not provisioned.
InvalidParameterA disk at LUN {0} already exists.
InvalidParameterUnable to create the VM because the requested size {0} is not available in the cluster where the availability set is currently allocated. The available sizes are: {1}. Read more on VM resizing strategy at
InvalidParameterThe requested VM size {0} is not available in the current region. The sizes available in the current region are: {1}. Find out more on the available VM sizes in each region at
InvalidParameterThe requested VM size {0} is not available in the current region. Find out more on the available VM sizes in each region at
InvalidParameterWindows admin user name cannot be more than {0} characters long, end with a period(.), or contain the following characters: {1}.
InvalidParameterWindows computer name cannot be more than {0} characters long, be entirely numeric, or contain the following characters: {1}.
MissingMoveDependentResourcesThe move resources request does not contain all the dependent resources. Please check error details for missing resource ids.
MoveResourcesHaveInvalidStateThe Move Resources request contains VMs which are associated with invalid storage accounts. Please check details for these resource ids and referenced storage account names.
MoveResourcesHavePendingOperationsThe move resources request contains resources for which an operation is pending. Please check details for these resource ids. Retry your operation once the pending operations complete.
MoveResourcesNotFoundThe move resources request contains resources that cannot be found. Please check details for these resource ids.
NetworkingInternalOperationErrorUnknown network allocation error.
NetworkingInternalOperationErrorUnknown network allocation error
NetworkingInternalOperationErrorAn internal error occurred in processing network profile of the VM.
NotFoundThe Availability Set {0} cannot be found.
NotFoundSource Virtual Machine '{0}' specified in the request does not exist in this Azure location.
NotFoundTenant with id {0} not found.
NotFoundThe Image {0} cannot be found.
NotSupportedThe license type is {0}, but the image blob {1} is not from on-premises.
OperationNotAllowedAvailability Set {0} cannot be deleted. Before deleting an Availability Set please ensure that it does not contain any VM.
OperationNotAllowedChanging availability set SKU from 'Aligned' to 'Classic' is not allowed.
OperationNotAllowedCannot modify extensions in the VM when the VM is not running.
OperationNotAllowedThe Capture action is only supported on a Virtual Machine with blob based disks. Please use the 'Image' resource APIs to create an Image from a managed Virtual Machine.
OperationNotAllowedThe resource {0} cannot be created from Image {1} until Image has been successfully created.
OperationNotAllowedUpdates to encryptionSettings is not allowed when VM is allocated, Please retry after VM is deallocated
OperationNotAllowedAddition of a managed disk to a VM with blob based disks is not supported.
OperationNotAllowedThe maximum number of data disks allowed to be attached to a VM of this size is {0}.
OperationNotAllowedAddition of a blob based disk to VM with managed disks is not supported.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on Image '{1}' since the Image is marked for deletion. You can only retry the Delete operation (or wait for an ongoing one to complete).
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM '{1}' since the VM is generalized.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed as Restore point collection '{1}' is marked for deletion.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM extension '{1}' since it is marked for deletion. You can only retry the Delete operation (or wait for an ongoing one to complete).
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed since the Virtual Machines '{1}' are being provisioned using the Image '{2}'.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed since the Virtual Machine ScaleSet '{1}' is currently using the Image '{2}'.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM '{1}' since the VM is marked for deletion. You can only retry the Delete operation (or wait for an ongoing one to complete).
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM '{1}' since the VM is either deallocated or marked to be deallocated.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM '{1}' since the VM is running. Please power off explicitly in case you shut down the VM from inside the guest operating system.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM '{1}' since the VM is not deallocated.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM '{1}' since VM has extension '{2}' in failed state.
OperationNotAllowedOperation '{0}' is not allowed on VM '{1}' since another operation is in progress.
OperationNotAllowedThe operation '{0}' requires the Virtual Machine '{1}' to be Generalized.
OperationNotAllowedThe operation requires the VM to be running (or set to run).
OperationNotAllowedDisk with size {0}GB, which is smaller than the size {1}GB of corresponding disk in Image, is not allowed.
OperationNotAllowedVM Scale Set extensions of handler '{0}' can be added only at the time of VM Scale Set creation.
OperationNotAllowedVM Scale Set extensions of handler '{0}' can be deleted only at the time of VM Scale Set deletion.
OperationNotAllowedVM '{0}' is already using managed disks.
OperationNotAllowedVM '{0}' belongs to 'Classic' availability set '{1}'. Please update the availability set to use 'Aligned' SKU and then retry the Conversion.
OperationNotAllowedVM created from Image cannot have blob based disks. All disks have to be managed disks.
OperationNotAllowedCapture operation cannot be completed because the VM is not generalized.
OperationNotAllowedManagement operations on VM '{0}' are disallowed because VM disks are being converted to managed disks.
OperationNotAllowedAn ongoing operation is changing power state of Virtual Machine {0} to {1}. Please perform operation {2} after some time.
OperationNotAllowedUnable to add or update the VM. The requested VM size {0} may not be available in the existing allocation unit. Read more on VM resizing strategy at
OperationNotAllowedUnable to resize the VM because the requested size {0} is not available in the cluster where the availability set is currently allocated. The available sizes are: {1}. Read more on VM resizing strategy at
OperationNotAllowedUnable to resize the VM because the requested size {0} is not available in the cluster where the VM is currently allocated. To resize your VM to {1} please deallocate (this is Stop operation in the Azure portal) and try the resize operation again. Read more on VM resizing strategy at
OSProvisioningClientErrorOS Provisioning failed for VM '{0}' because the guest OS is currently being provisioned.
OSProvisioningClientErrorOS provisioning for VM '{0}' failed. Error details: {1} Make sure the image has been properly prepared (generalized).
  • Instructions for Windows:
OSProvisioningClientErrorSSH host key generation failed. Error details: {0}. To resolve this issue verify if Linux agent is set up properly.
  • You can check the instructions at :
OSProvisioningClientErrorUsername specified for the VM is invalid for this Linux distribution. Error details: {0}.
OSProvisioningInternalErrorOS Provisioning failed for VM '{0}' due to an internal error.
OSProvisioningTimedOutOS Provisioning for VM '{0}' did not finish in the allotted time. The VM may still finish provisioning successfully. Please check provisioning state later.
OSProvisioningTimedOutOS Provisioning for VM '{0}' did not finish in the allotted time. The VM may still finish provisioning successfully. Please check provisioning state later. Also, make sure the image has been properly prepared (generalized).
  • Instructions for Windows:
  • Instructions for Linux:
OSProvisioningTimedOutOS Provisioning for VM '{0}' did not finish in the allotted time. However, the VM guest agent was detected running. This suggests the guest OS has not been properly prepared to be used as a VM image (with CreateOption=FromImage). To resolve this issue, either use the VHD as is with CreateOption=Attach or prepare it properly for use as an image:
  • Instructions for Windows:
  • Instructions for Linux:
OverConstrainedAllocationRequestThe required VM size is not currently available in the selected location.
ResourceUpdateBlockedOnPlatformUpdateResource cannot be updated at this time due to ongoing platform update. Please try again later.
StorageAccountLimitationStorage account '{0}' does not support page blobs which are required to create disks.
StorageAccountLimitationStorage account '{0}' has exceeded its allocated quota.
StorageAccountLocationMismatchCould not resolve storage account {0}. Please ensure it was created through the Storage Resource Provider in the same location as the compute resource.
StorageAccountNotFoundStorage account {0} not found. Ensure storage account is not deleted and belongs to the same Azure location as the VM.
StorageAccountNotRecognizedPlease use a storage account managed by Storage Resource Provider. Use of {0} is not supported.
StorageAccountOperationInternalErrorInternal error occurred while accessing storage account {0}.
StorageAccountSubscriptionMismatchStorage account {0} doesn't belong to subscription {1}.
StorageAccountTooBusyStorage account '{0}' is too busy currently. Consider using another account.
StorageAccountTypeNotSupportedDisk {0} uses {1} which is a Blob storage account. Please retry with General purpose storage account.
StorageAccountTypeNotSupportedStorage account {0} is of {1} type. Boot Diagnostics supports {2} storage account types.
  • This error occurs if you use the premium storage account for Boot diagnostics. For more information, see How to use boot diagnostics.
SubscriptionNotAuthorizedForImageThe subscription is not authorized.
TargetDiskBlobAlreadyExistsBlob {0} already exists. Please provide a different blob URI to create a new blank data disk '{1}'.
TargetDiskBlobAlreadyExistsCapture operation cannot continue because target image blob {0} already exists and the flag to overwrite VHD blobs is not set. Either delete the blob or set the flag to overwrite VHD blobs and retry.
TargetDiskBlobAlreadyExistsCapture operation cannot continue because target image blob {0} has an active lease on it.
TargetDiskBlobAlreadyExistsBlob {0} already exists. Please provide a different blob URI as target for disk '{1}'.
TooManyVMRedeploymentRequestsToo many redeployment requests have been received for VM '{0}' or the VMs in the same availabilityset with this VM. Please retry later.
VHDSizeInvalidThe specified disk size value of {0} for disk '{1}' with blob {2} is invalid. Disk size must be between {3} and {4}.
VMAgentStatusCommunicationErrorVM '{0}' has not reported status for VM agent or extensions. Please verify the VM has a running VM agent, and can establish outbound connections to Azure storage.
VMArtifactRepositoryInternalErrorAn error occurred while communicating with the artifact repository to retrieve VM artifact details.
VMArtifactRepositoryInternalErrorAn internal error occurred while retrieving the VM artifact data from the artifact repository.
VMExtensionHandlerNonTransientErrorHandler '{0}' has reported failure for VM Extension '{1}' with terminal error code '{2}' and error message: '{3}'
VMExtensionManagementInternalErrorInternal error occurred while processing VM extension '{0}'.
VMExtensionManagementInternalErrorMultiple errors occurred while preparing the VM extensions. See VM extension instance view for details.
VMExtensionProvisioningErrorVM has reported a failure when processing extension '{0}'. Error message: '{1}'.
VMExtensionProvisioningErrorMultiple VM extensions failed to be provisioned on the VM. Please see the VM extension instance view for details.
VMExtensionProvisioningTimeoutProvisioning of VM extension '{0}' has timed out. Extension installation may be taking too long, or extension status could not be obtained.
VMMarketplaceInvalidInputCreating a virtual machine from a non Marketplace image does not need Plan information, please remove the Plan information in the request. OS disk name is {0}.
VMMarketplaceInvalidInputThe purchase information does not match. Unable to deploy from the Marketplace image. OS disk name is {0}.
VMMarketplaceInvalidInputCreating a virtual machine from Marketplace image requires Plan information in the request. OS disk name is {0}.
VMNotFoundThe VM '{0}' cannot be found.
VMRedeploymentFailedVM '{0}' redeployment failed due to an internal error. Please retry later.
VMRedeploymentTimedOutRedeployment of VM '{0}' didn't finish in the allotted time. It might finish successfully in sometime. Else, you can retry the request.
VMStartTimedOutVM '{0}' did not start in the allotted time. The VM may still start successfully. Please check the power state later.

Next steps

Azure Ssh Key

If you need more help, you can contact the Azure experts on the MSDN Azure and Stack Overflow forums. Alternatively, you can file an Azure support incident. Go to the Azure support site and select Get Support.